How to Become a Certified Master of Self-Guided Trance—A Complete Course (Pt. 1)

This tutorial contains tons of practical information & no fluff. It’s thoroughly linked: You can master one tiny piece at a time—easy peasy—even though it’s almost book length. Every time you master a tiny piece, you’ll be more effective in life. I promise.

General Table of Contents

But Why?—A preview of how trance can make you more effective.
Five Easy Steps to Become a Master of Self-Hypnosis—Summary of your future.
Trance Recipe Overview—Here are the detailed steps to mastery.

But Why?

Before telling you how to become a master of self-hypnosis, let’s discuss why. Most people understand things by comparing them to what they already know.

But what I have to say probably won’t compare to anything you know at the most important levels.  Meditation is similar in a few ways, but it’s not the same. A hypnosis recording or a public ritual that uses trance is also different. If you’ve ever studied self-hypnosis, you’ll have some idea, though what I present here is different than the programs that I’ve seen. I expect you to compare what I teach to those types of things, but please note the differences as well.

I think you’ll like the differences.

Imagine that you’ve rushed around to get showered and dressed for work, to get your lunch ready, and to get to the bus on time. Now, sitting on the bus, you have a moment to consider your day, and the fact that you’ve got an enemy at work—a department head. You really have no idea what his problem is.  But you have a few minutes now, so you count yourself into trance and do an Empathy Trance, looking at the world from his point of view, once again trying to understand his hatred. And for the first time, you now get a glimmer of how he feels threatened by you, though you still don’t understand the reasons. It’s a clue.

So after transferring to the rapid transit system, you go into a Conversation Trance and ask the advice of your inner psychologist, who immediately provides you with a little more insight. Still not enough, but it will help. Finally, since you’re not going to have time to go to the gym today, you mentally go through your exercise routine in a Skills Practice Trance, knowing that this will build both your physical strength and your coordination skills on days like today.

It’s like a magical superpower to know how to do this.

Almost the minute you sit down in your cubicle, your boss comes over to remind you to finish two reports for the afternoon meeting. With an inadvertent grimace, she reminds you that the enemy will be there. She wasn’t upset at you, but as she walks away, you realize that you probably should have anticipated the need for these reports.

Before you begin working, you close your eyes to spend five more minutes in trance. First, you invoke a Review Trance, in which you practice anticipating those reports yesterday so that the next time, your boss won’t need to remind you. Then you invoke a Rehearsal Trance and practice being extremely efficient and concise in creating reports that the enemy can’t pick on. Finally, you spend a short time using a Post-Hypnotic Self-Suggestion Trance to ensure that you’re prepared to handle the enemy’s predictable jibes calmly, but with intense personal power.

When you come out of trance five minutes after you began it, you’re prepared. The reason your boss values you so much is because you handle everything with such efficiency, grace, skill, confidence, and strategic clarity. And one reason you’re so good at your job is how effectively you use trance throughout the day—just as you did a minute ago. In fact, by lunch time, you have completed the two reports and your boss has not only approved them as sufficient, but complimented their political astuteness.

Nonetheless, you don’t feel particularly safe going into the meeting, even with your boss’s unwavering support. You have a few extra minutes, so you enter a Metaphor Trance, where you explore what you feel about facing the enemy once again. “What’s it like?” you ask yourself.

An image of a shark spontaneously appears in your mind. As you reflect on the image, you see that it’s looking around for you, and then, as it sees you, you realize you need to enter the shark cage which you can easily conjure. From within, you film the shark’s attempted attacks. Since the shark can’t get at you, it gives up. And it was fun getting the attacks on video.

In the meeting, this image suddenly inspires you. John, the enemy, looks at your report and begins his snide innuendos—calculated to make you feel bad without exposing himself to disciplinary action. “Film the shark,” you think, rejecting your cell phone as having too small a memory for actually filming the interaction.

You immediately start writing. “Let’s see if I have it right,” you say, and you repeat back his words after writing furiously.

“What are you doing?” Color rises to his face.

“You always have so many wise comments about my work,” you say. “I’m recording them to study them later.”

“I’d like to have a copy of that when you’re done,” your boss says.

And amazingly enough, the remainder of the meeting passes without another single comment from John. Glowers, yes. Comments, no.

It’s wonderful having superpowers!

This is a manual for activating your own superpowers. You can start immediately and get results from your initial efforts. Thereafter, the more you practice, the better results you’ll get.

But you don’t need to study for a year or wait for a stroke of luck to begin benefiting. I suggest you bookmark this page, because to continue getting better and better results, you’ll come back to this page again and again.

As soon as you start using this curriculum, you’ll know that you can’t master it all at once. But you’ll also know that the information is here, and all you have to do is use it.

If you prefer to work with a person, rather than with a self-help manual, my coaching profile is at Cougar Brenneman Coaching. Contact me directly on the contacts page of the Joyful Wisdom Community site. (This boring 😐 paragraph appears throughout this document to accommodate people who use our links exactly as they were intended to be used.)

(Go to Top.)

Five Easy Steps to Become a Master of Self-Hypnosis.

Mastery Step 1Familiarize yourself with the Trance Recipe Overview below by clicking links that interest you for more information. When you’re ready, start using it.

Mastery Step 2Follow the directions in the Trance Recipe Overview , step by step, to plan and experience a trance of your choice. Use our free downloads as resources to help you. Your first step will be to decide what question you want answered first.

Mastery Step 3While the experience is still fresh in your memory, plan another session to answer a related question. Continue to repeat this process. Always think carefully about choosing a question that matters. Make every trance important.

Mastery Step 4Use our other resources, such as our growing variety of guided trance sessions for different purposes. This may also expand your range as a self-hypnotist by showing you options that are outside of your comfort zone. (Download Link: Joyful Wisdom Journey Free Trance Downloads).

Mastery Step 5When you’re ready, print and sign the Certificate of Mastery for yourself, and hang it on your wall.

How will you know when you’re ready? You get to decide. However, to become a master, you must be intentional about learning the whole process, including all of the types of trance that you can use.

What does it mean to be intentional? Download the Trance Type Checklist, and wait until you’ve done all fourteen trance types the six times indicated on the checklist. (I’ve described the trance types more fully in Main Step 2 of the Trance Recipe Overview.)

If you want to be really sure, do the checklist twice. Or three times. Or four times. Or as many times as you want. When you’re a master, you’ll know. You’ll know, because you use them all spontaneously and naturally without needing the checklist.

Remember: No one but you knows
when to certify that you’ve mastered yourself.

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Trance Recipe Overview

I Recommend You Plan Your Trances in Writing—Especially at First.
Go Ahead. Break That Rule. Don’t Plan Them in Writing. Here’s How.
Tips for Using the Tracking Checklist
Main Step 1: Identify a Question that Matters.
Main Step 2: Choose the Best Type of Trance for Your Question.
Main Step 3: Relax Your Body.
Main Step 4: Select and Use a Trance Induction.
Main Step 5: Guide Yourself Verbally.
Main Step 6: Count Yourself Out of Trance.
Main Step 7: Journal Your Results Immediately.
Main Step 8: Select and Schedule a Follow-Up Practice Immediately.
Main Step 9: Explore Times to Routinely Use Trance Daily.
Main Step 10: Periodically Try Trances without a Recorded Induction.

Download your Certificate of Mastery

(Go to Top, to I Recommend You Plan Your Trances in Writing—Especially at First (next page).)

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