The Fifth Step on the Yellow Brick Road: Global Vision

Even though we are only a tiny little group, our vision for ourselves is to create a global movement, one which brings community, joy, clarity, depth, transformation, and personal empowerment to every being on earth through direct one-to-one conversations and practices.

Our job is to be the seed for this transformation of the way that humans related to each other. We want to help every human being on earth to develop their highest potential, and we believe that by building intense and wisdom-oriented community processes, we’re on the way. But rather than just planning for this grandiose purpose, we are beginning by transforming ourselves and by supporting each other in this personal transformation that we are all engaged in.

At one point, I translated a tiny part of my larger curriculum into German as an indication of my intent. More recently (in 2016), I went to Mexico and made friends who only speak Spanish, and in the months following that trip, I will be working to find ways to serve that community as well as the English-speaking group I’m already working with.

Have you ever wanted to help change the world? Most of us have. In my thirty-five years of study and practice, I’ve concluded that one of the best ways, is to help the culture evolve by building community everywhere.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. We agree with that philosophy, and invite you to do that with us.

But even more, we offer you a thousand ways to help create community, depth, insight, peace, commitment, and teamwork throughout the planet.

You can do it all, and we want to help you do it.


Next: Take Your First Step to Climb the Rainbow

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