Author Archives: Cougar

What I Learned from My Green Energy Walk (Blog with Jokes)

One of the things that tells me that I may be recovering from COVID-19 is that I’m able to once again go on walks before bed. I use a step counter watch, and while I’m not yet able to reach 15,000 steps — which was my average in February — in the last week, I’ve been able to walk an average of 8500 steps every day.

This may not be as healthy a habit as in February, but it sure does save me time.

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How the Mechanism of Inner Silence Works

“Inner silence” is our phrase in the Joyful Wisdom System for a specific mechanism that we can harness to find wisdom in our daily lives. Anyone of us who thinks about this topic scientifically understands that no one is really silent inside unless they are dead.

So it is true that this phrase is inaccurate, but it does point the way to a mechanism that is extremely valuable to people who master it. The best way to understand this mechanism is to understand how our group method, the Chrysalis Wisdom Council, works.

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(Blog with Jokes) How to Be a Lazy Workaholic

I’m pretty skillful at creating really useful and organized to-do lists. It’s the crossing off part that causes me problems.

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Humor: Am I Old Enough to Do This?

(This humor blog is not prejudiced against old age. At 66 years of age, some would say that I’m just a few houses down the block from death’s door myself. I don’t have many years left to make old age jokes. So get over yourselves.)

Matilda is 102, and she has finally accepted the idea that computers are not just a fad like hula-hoops. Seventy-five-year-old Gertrude had finally convinced her friend Matilda to start using a computer (during her regular volunteer work at the nursing home) by showing her cute kitten videos on YouTube. Two days later, Gertrude’s phone rang. Continue reading

How to Be Sexy

​A few months ago, I was really challenged by clutter, and when I tried to face the piles of unfiled papers, I would run screaming. Finally, I gave myself the ultimately ultimate ultimatum. Until I at least clean up that pile of papers and junk in the corner, No More Chocolate!!!

So I worked on that pile for several days, organizing, filing, and throwing things out—which was the hardest part. That’s when I made the discovery. I found my piano.

I began playing the piano again, after years of neglect. And I’m obsessive. I practice for hours, determined to regain my former glory. It won’t be long before I’ve finally perfected my first masterpiece once again: Chop Sticks.

I’ll invite you all over when I’m ready. We’ll have a potluck, and after we’re relaxed, and I’m sure everyone is comfortable, I’ll play my piece. But don’t worry, I’ll let you all know when to applaud.

It’ll be great! I can’t wait!​


Be sure to read Cougar’s longer, more serious humor:
(Blog with Jokes) Use the Applause Technique to Change Habits & Increase Self-Esteem
(Blog with Jokes) What’s So Special about the Heart Chakra

(Blog with Jokes) What’s So Special about the Heart Chakra?

All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this blog are fictitious. For instance, Tom in this story does not resemble anyone you have ever known or will know—in the past, in the present, or in the future on earth or on any of the seventeen known spiritual planes. And no one but a fictitious character would put up with someone like me being so damned Yoda as I was in this story. No identification with actual persons, places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Besides which, it has to be fictional because I’m not a video camera. Continue reading

(Blog with Jokes) Use the Applause Technique to Change Habits & Increase Self-Esteem

I developed the Applause Technique as a gift to my wife. I knew that one of the traditional concerns of many women is that men leave the toilet seat up. Ashara wasn’t complaining about this habit of mine any more, but I knew that it had once been a concern.

At the very least, by changing this habit, I’ve at long last given her something about me to brag about. Continue reading